James River Cellars Winery – Tasting

It is great to be back and able to sample a few Virginia Wines.  As most of you know throughout my blog I have occasionally attempted to give you an amateurish rating of a wine or winery always in Virginia.  It has all been in fun and I hope that no one with real wine knowledge takes offense.

The James River Cellars Winery is located in the Heart of Virginia very near Richmond.  Just click on the link and you will find a lot more about this fine winery.

Rad Red

 “Family owned and operated, James River Cellars Winery’ principle owner Ray Lazarchic works with his daughter, Winery Manager Mitzi Batterson, and her husband, Winemaker James Batterson.”

 “The majority of ……the fruit is estate grown on their twenty acres of vines in Montpelier.”  In addition to the classic Vitis Vinifera grapes they also grow a number of hybrids.  Don’t forget for more information on this Winery check out their web site.

By the way I would like to thank the editors of “The Virginia Wine Journal” to allow me to plagiarize some of their articles for this blog.

Rad Red 2

 This months wine chosen for the members of the “Virginia Wine of the Month Club” is the James River Cellars RAD RED.  The “Rad Red” is named after a close family friend Johnny Radebaugh who died of cancer.  “As the story goes Ray Lazarchic (a High School classmate of Radenbaugh) told him of his vision for the winery.

 Ray promised when they got the winery going he would name a wine after him.  Thus the “Rad Red” now the fifth iteration of that promise.”  A portion of the proceeds from this wine are dedicated to local cancer research at VCU’s Massey Cancer Center” 

This wine is a blend of 58% Cabernet Franc and 42% Merlot (all 2009 fruit).  In my follow up blog to be written later this week I will give you the experts opinion and comments and then my personal thoughts as I taste this wine.

 So stay tuned for the finale coming soon to this blog near you.

 Stay well and I look forward to giving you my real thoughts on the “Rad Red”  Until then just remember there are no bad Virginia wines just wines that you may like better than others.  Virginia is truly Wine Country.

By license law I must inform you of the information below.  Please do not hold this against me and that you will check out the other sections of my blog.  It’s not all about real estate.

By the way If you have any questions concerning real estate in the Charlottesville, Virginia area I would love to be of assistance.  I am a REALTOR® and Associate Broker with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate III “Licensed to Sell Real Estate in Virginia”

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